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Drawing Blood (Sutton Mills Book 2)

Drawing Blood gave me a chance to expand Sutton's world: not just the landscape, but also the people in it. We too gained more insight into why Sutton is the way he is.

If Tattoo introduced us to the fact that Sutton seemed to enjoy some of the danger he invariably found himself in, then Drawing Blood helped us to understand his fear: that it exists in him as it does in all of us, and that in a way he must conquer it on a daily basis.

This novel didn't come into being without some resistance. The initial draft didn’t contain the trapped sequence at all, so when the revelation struck – a hammer blow that I could not deny or resist – a comprehensive overhaul delayed the completion of this offering for many months. It seemed crazy to go back to the beginning and almost re-write the entire novel – seeing as I had a completed novel in front of me already – but as soon as I had the idea for this new layer, then I knew that I couldn’t offer up the novel to the world without including it…and I am immensely pleased with the result of such struggles. Now I couldn't imagine Drawing Blood in any other guise.

Drawing Blood 090420.jpg

A Journey Through Bristol


Barrow Gurney Hospital. Click on the photographs for more information.

Bristol Royal Infirmary. Click on photographs for more information.

Drawings and Designs

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